Thursday, September 23, 2010


The four resources that I researched all concluded that having boundaries was necessary for relationships to be able to function in a positive productive manner for everyone involved.  Understanding boundaries in therapy means that the therapist will follow those boundaries to serve and protect the client.  Understanding boundaries in the professional setting will help the employee to know what the employer expects and enable them to do a more efficient job.  In a relationship setting understanding boundaries will enable the people involved to communicate more effectively while at the same time understanding the other person.
This resource gives the client an outline and understanding of how to understand boundaries in therapy and setting limits.  It gives a list of boundaries that are never to be violated and boundaries that are a grey area.
The boundary violation most often heard about is the therapist having sexual contact with the client.
There are other boundaries that, when violated in the therapeutic relationship, are also extremely damaging.
This website is useful because it defines what boundaries are useful to the therapist/client relationship.  The websites focus is to the client to let them know what some of the boundaries of the therapist/client relationship are and discusses why they are considered boundaries. It accurately describes the boundaries that should never be violated.  It made me realize that it is important for the client to understand the what the boundaries are.
This resource discusses what healthy boundaries are in a personal relationship.  The site starts out with a definition from the dictionary of boundaries.  It discusses how the best relationship advice includes behaviors recommending behaviors that consider boundaries.  Dysfunctional and destructive relationships occur when there is no respect for the boundaries or when the parties involved are not aware of the boundaries.  Each person has a personal responsibility to be able to identify where the boundaries start and end.

This resource is useful in that it discusses different relationship issues that can be improved upon if the boundaries are understood.  It also has other resources you can access.  This site taught me that respecting the boundaries of any relationship is important.  It gives an understanding of what is considered healthy when it comes to a relationship.

This resource defines the different types of boundaries in a personal relationship.  Those boundaries defined were healthy and unhealthy boundaries, how boundaries protect and contain, that boundaries are internal and external, how boundaries violations can be in the form of intrusion or distancing, boundaries and assertiveness, the protecting and containing functions of physical boundaries, sexual boundaries, emotional boundaries,and spiritual boundaries.

This resource gave some important useful information.  It taught me that boundaries are not as concrete as I thought, there is more to think about.  I think it could have went into more detail for each of the boundaries it discussed.
Interpersonal and workplace boundaries can both be a difficult concept to grasp because you can't see them.  It does not mean that the boundaries are not there or that they are not important. Boundaries are always present when a person or department interacts with another person or department.  Having a clear understanding is beneficial to the employee and employer.  When you know where you end and others begin, you can then closely engage with others because you won’t feel overwhelmed or unprotected. Having a sense of autonomy prevents the need to distance our self from others with a barrier.

This site gives a good description of how boundaries can be set and effective in the workplace.  It gives an accurate description of how effective knowing boundaries can be for the employee and employer.  It made me realize that knowing your boundaries in the workplace setting is effective for everyone involved.  It gives an accurate description of what boundaries are and how to set them up.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

3 Levels of Intervention

Chris is a single father who is trying to work and raise three samll children.  His wife was killed 2 years ago in a traffic accident.  After the initial shock and outpouring of support of friends and neighbors, Chris found himself alone with all the responsibilities and very unsure of himself.  He would like to meet other men who have the same problems but cannot find any groups, even though he has been told about several men who are in the same situation.  He tells you he is not sure what the best method is for disciplining his children, whom he describes as "good kids."  Sometimes he feels he is too lenient with them, and at other times he is afraid he is unneccessarily strict with them.  A local women's health center has groups for bereaved single parents, but Chris believes those would not be open to him.  "It would be all women, wouldn't it?"  he asks.  In addition, he is having a hard time at work balancing the responsibilities there with parenting responsibilities at home.  "Of course, I want to do a good job and get the promotions so I can support these kids through college, but I need to be home in the evening, or someone does, and I don't think that is always well received at work."

Interventions on the micro level:
On the micro level I would encourage Chris to keep checking for groups that he feels would benefit him.  This would allow Chris to feel empowered if he could actually work this out for himself.

Interventions on the mezzo level:
I would learn as much as possible about Chris and his relationship with his family to  make sure that there is no barriers there for him getting the support and help that he needs.  I would encourage him to seek out family support if possible and help him come up with ideas.

Interventions on the macro level: 
At this level I would encourage Chris to attend any workshops that may be available to offer him support, such as parenting classes and support groups. 

Code of Ethics for Juvenile Detention Center

My Name is Lori Walsh and I am the director of a Juvenile Detention Center that houses juvenile offenders.  The Center not only houses these juveniles but performs counseling duties to the juveniles.  They come to the center with various issues and problems.  When the juveniles come into the facility they go through counseling to determing where and who they can be housed with and it helps to determine when and if they can be released whe the time comes.
The responsibilities of the staff is to practie ethical principles no matter what the circumstance.  Dual Relationships will be avoided to the best of all staff's ability.  If a dual relationship does exist a supervisor will need to be notified and this relationship discussed.  Sexual and Romantic relationships are prohibited.  If at any time there is a conflict of value it needs to be discussed with a supervisor or a colleague.  No gifts are allowed to be accepted.  Document any offers of gifts.  Informed Consent will be discussed with the client as appropriate.  The client will be educated and informed of their rights so that they can exercise the right to self determination. Care will be taken to protect the confidentiality of the minor.  Our goal is to protect the client and others from harm, protect the client's self-esteem.  Responsibility for the client's welfare while the client is in your program is yours. Stealing from a client is grounds for dismissal.

Summary of THE ACA Code of Ethics:Articulating Counseling's Professional Covenant

This article disusses the relationship between counseling professionals and society and how it
is ever changing.  The ACA  Code of Ethics is an articulation of those
changes.  There continues to be in society at large a professional
corner, with its criteria for admission, its rights, and its responsibilities.
 The counseling profession has been establishing its place at the professional corner for nearly a 100 years and is still changing.  This article discusses how the Counseling Professional and society has to form a covenant relationship like a marriage so to say. A covenant relationship by nature is a moral practice.
This refers to The ACA Code of Ethics as being a gift given by  the Counselor to the ones being served.
The history of the professional was stereotyped somewhat many years ago by
what the professional wore or the type of job they did. Welie(2004) defined a profession as a collective expert service providers who have jointly and publicly committed to always give priority to the needs and interests of the public they serve above their own needs and are in turn trusted by the public to do so.  The history of the Counseling Profession took a turn when it was noticed that young people in society needed help with making effective vocational decisions among others.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Methods of Social Casework Walsh

Hi and Welcome to my blog.  I hope to meet new and interesting people and learn many new things this semester.